In 10 years history of Chinesehour, we have cooperated with many giant companies. The best proud of us is no customer suspends the cooperation when they start. This is the source for our 100% confidence. We will consider more than our customers.
Tell us your needs and we will give you a solution than your expectation!
We believe Good Teacher brings Good Class! It it the time to hav a better teacher!
At Chinesehour, You will have the same tutor during your learning. The effect and progress are much more secured. You will learn Chinese, like Chinese and love Chinese at Chinesehour! Why not have a trial today?
Our teacher April Yang Jing is always on time, dresses appropriately, sends the homework to me very quickly and also is very helpful. I can see and hear her well too。She is teaching my children and works well with them. I am very satisfied and have already told some friends about your online program.
I am very happy with Mrs.Zhangyue. She is an EXCELLENT teacher and person. We are very glad with her. For us she is part of our family because she saw grown my son. My son has been her student for years and we love Zhangyue!!!
My wife and me have been very happy with our girls’ new teacher Ms. Hedan. She has shown great passion in teaching, very attentive to the girls, and always very responsive and adaptive in her teaching style, arrangement according to the girls’ need. She is also giving each girl different teaching to adapt to their individual learning style, and stay in communication with us frequently. We really appreciate the extra effort she put in after the classes.